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Eva Westhauser portrait
Eva Westhauser portrait

Connect Heart,

Brain and Guts

Encourage, challenge and support fellow human beings so that they can make good decisions.

Who is medical ethics advice for?

Who is medical ethics advice for?

For everyone who wants to deal with various topics of desire to have children and PND (prenatal diagnosis) in early pregnancy and is faced with questions or challenges.

when I/we have to make a decision that affects me/us and our future baby

if we as a couple and future parents want more information to form an opinion.

if I/we are unsure or have different opinions on certain topics.

because we want to make an independent and responsible decision.

because it can be a relief to discuss questions and decisions with a neutral third person.

How does medical ethics consultation work?

How does medical ethics consultation work?

  • Personally on site with your partner

  • Take 1 - 2 hours for an interactive conversation

  • Your questions will be answered

  • Support in your challenges

After that you should be able to take your own responsibility for a decision!

Arrange a consultation

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